
Life Insurance

Life Insurance

Life Insurance

Everyone knows that life insurance becomes extremely important if you have a spouse, children, debt, or any other financial obligations and/or dependents. The questions are aways "How much life insurance should I get" and "Which type of life insurance is best for me?" The right questions to ask are "What do I need to leave behind to take care of any debts and loved ones" and "How long will the insurance need to protect me before other financial assets can provide similar catastrophe protection?" Life insurance is about making sure that you don't get too little protection or pay for too much protection. Both mistakes are costly in different ways. At Doc Insure, we won't use simplistic "rules of thumb" or lazy calculations but will tailor a personalized analysis and recommendation for each client. With us, you'll never have to worry about inexperienced or deceptive insurance salespeople giving you rushed or solely self-interested life insurance advice.